Mid-August is the beginning of the Queen Anne's lace seed harvest time at Missouri Herbs, and our team of herbophiles fanned out into the fields to collect Nature's abundance.
Most people only know Queen Anne’s lace as a beautiful summer flower whose tall umbels grace un-mowed fields. It is also called wild carrot and is the ancestor of our domestic carrots. The seed oil of this wild carrot is much more powerful than its domestic counterpart and contains carotene (a precursor of vitamin A) and is known to have antiseptic properties. It has been used since time immemorial in ancient Greece and India.
Harvested at full maturity, the seeds are infused into oil for six weeks to draw the beneficial components of this magical seed into a form we can use on the skin. When choosing ingredients for all of our products, we consider those with skin problems and, of course, all of our products are concentrated and contain no water, parabens, preservatives, palm, soy or ingredients that might be toxic or irritating. We at Missouri Herbs, use only high quality infusing oils in our face butters; oils that will not clog pores and are safe for all skins types.
Just as a fun side note, did you know the ground mature seeds are a major component of Madras curry powder (up to 25%)? The seeds have also been used traditionally as a tea for cystitis and infused as a home fragrance. If you study permaculture you might also know that, besides busting up hard pan soil and attracting pollinators, she also attracts predatory wasps and flies who help combat garden pests. She has many talents.
The mature seed of Queen Anne’s lace has been traditionally used to increase skin elasticity, tighten, nourish and rejuvenate skin; reduce wrinkles and liver or age spots, and to fight skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, sores and boils. That is why we felt it would be a perfect ingredient for our Facial Bliss face butter.
If you haven’t tried our Facial Bliss face butters, we hope you will consider treating yourself to an herbal pampering. Some of our customers claim our face butters to be "the best in the world" and we are not the kind to question the opinions of our clientele.
On a bright, sunny, August afternoon you will find us out in the field, harvesting Queen Anne's Lace seed.