Dried herbs
Horsetail and Apple Mint
It took us 9 months to find land that we could be sure didn't have pesticide or herbicide residue. This land hasn't been used in generations and when it was, no one lived here and no farming has been done here. We also wanted a water source that was clean and not right next to a road or freeway. Our creek (where the horsetail grows) is fed by 6 springs that start just on the other side of the small dirt road we use. We are the only people that live on this road, so it it rarely used. We feel confident that the herbs that grow in our creek and on the property are as pure as can be.
The herbs are dried in a solar dehydrator and the temps don't exceed 110. This requires constant attention and changing it's position. But it's worth it to have herbs with a vibrant color and medicinal qualities. Our standards are beyond organic.
It's important to know where your herbs come from. Some herbs are nutrient accumulators and will pull up toxic residue from the soil. Herbs that are overheated, pre-chopped to smithereens and have no color are lifeless and have little medicinal qualities.
Our herbs are stored in glass, but shipped in plastic baggies to save on shipping. You should transfer your herbs back into glass to store.
We will have a variety of dried herbs available all season. I ask $3 an ounce for my herbs. I don't charge for the herb, just for my time. It takes a great deal of time to harvest, dry and process these herbs with great care.
Just email to ask what we have:
Always do your own research about herbs. Just because it's a plant, doesn't mean it won't conflict with current medications or medical conditions.
I will typically have the following herbs on hand:
Peach Leaf - used for poison ivy. I use a jelly jar full of water just off of boil and put a couple of fat pinches of leaf in the tea and steep about 20 min. Strain, chill and apply to poison ivy. Tea will keep 4 days.
Mullein leaf - traditionally used for lung issues. Article on benefits. This is a video on making a mullein infusion.
Apple Mint - a tasty tea with minerals. Usually for teas that I want minerals from, I make a decoction which is a tea simmered over a low heat for 20 minutes. But just for the taste alone, you can make a quick tea.
Horsetail - only infertile horsetail is harvested. Contains silica and minerals, horsetail often is used to strengthen bone, hair, and fingernails. Also a diuretic and has an affinity for the urinary tract. Nice article on Horsetail. Since I"m going for the minerals, I make a 20 minute simmered decoction with this herb. See photo below of patch I harvest from...
Red Clover - traditionally used for hormone and liver issues for men and women. I usually make a 4 hour infusion of this herb (pour water just off of boil over the herb, cover and sit for 4 hours, then strain). Here is a good article.
Look at that red clover color!
Other dried herbs - I will also have Sage and dried Oregano
Where the horsetail is harvested.